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Autor: Lazy Nation
Přidáno: 04.05.2011
Zobrazeno: 2770x
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Opravdová pomsta se nikdy neobejde bez krve s pousty mrtvých těl. To platí i tentokrát, když se ve starém japonsku mstíte za smrt vaší rodiny. Žádný z vrahů nezůstane ušetřen.
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yhOGSyMoCgSEMdXpEt napsal/a 13:42:36 12.10.2012
Sure, I can see your point. I absolutely love brswiong a well-stocked bookshop just looking at the titles. Although in most book retailers in M'sia we can't flip the pages because they're usually wrapped in plastic.But books are also perfect for online shopping. That's the reason Amazon was so successful as an online retailer when others failed during the online bust 10 years ago. Amazon sold books and only books when they opened back in mid-90s. All they needed to do was scan the cover, include a synopsis from the back cover, some details on the weight and size of the book, number of pages etc etc. and they're good to go. Offer a discount and a willingness to ship to Malaysia and I became a loyal Amazon customer.You mentioned font selection. We can do that online now. They also allow us to look at a few pages of the book (with Amazon anyway, I'm not sure if we can do that at other online retailers). Plus, not all books published in the West arrive in M'sia. The popular ones sure but there are so many more out there that are only available to us via the internet and that's why 9 times out of 10 I shop online.Thank God for the Internet, huh?