Velikost: 201 kB
Plugin: Flash
Autor: Mousebreak...
Přidáno: 12.01.2008
Zobrazeno: 13547x
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pJxbnDeQARtZxGooCf napsal/a 11:45:07 06.01.2013
I've figured out how I waetnd my blog layout and everything, it's just that other blogs that I've visited that use Blogspot have nice big headers. Mine is just text, so can someone enlighten me on how to make a pretty header?.
AHLdBUekc napsal/a 06:22:12 01.08.2012
Most video marketers are brnoig, but you are pretty cool. Thanks for sharing yourself like this Let's get together soon! We could have some real fun wih this ! Shoot me a message! Greg-