Velikost: 980 kB
Plugin: Flash
Autor: Youdagames...
Přidáno: 18.01.2008
Zobrazeno: 17791x
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z2B1Wxr5L4u napsal/a 16:10:43 05.01.2017
Thanks for the team work and sharing this with so many! It's very encouraging to be involved a large network of children's ministry leaders that serve with passion for the glory of God. I look forward to receiving "God to the Rescue". A fantastic title too. We are rescued, ine20dd3e;and the rescue continues experiencing God's grace daily. Thanks again!Donna
hQNNjPlAbDrXdgDT napsal/a 23:52:42 25.04.2011
Good point. I hadn't tohuhgt about it quite that way. :)