Velikost: 4469 kB
Plugin: Flash
Autor: Thesigmast...
Přidáno: 17.06.2011
Zobrazeno: 2904x
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vitek napsal/a 11:22:42 26.04.2014
hovno hovno hovno hovno hovno
vdfbfbrfbfbfgbgngng napsal/a 11:18:30 26.04.2014
HGdOUBJQgg napsal/a 21:09:49 12.10.2012
1) How does the HRA calculation done? I have dearcled it Rs. 3000/-per month so it is Rs. 36,000/- per annum. The total HRA receive=40%of basic=44,730/-.Your calculation shows HRA exemption=24,817/-.2) How to submit LTA bills? What is the year/time slot of four yearsconsidered for LTA limit for me?3) How much medical reimbursement under Sec10, I will get? What is theprocedure to submit bills? Will the diagnostic test like MRI, bloodtest, etc. can be submitted? Do my parents medical bills can besubmitted under this?4) How much a canteen deduction is allowed for this year IT exemption?5) Till now I have taken Sodexo worth Rs.11330, if I take Sodexocoupons in Jan, Feb & March, will it be considered for this ITfilling?6) Can Ayurvedic treatment & Ayurvedic bills be considered for medicalreimbursement under Sec10?7) When SBI or LIC is issueing Infrastructure bonds?
ImDUfXDRZ napsal/a 16:18:30 28.08.2011
Slam dunkin like Shaquille O'Neal, if he wrote inofrmtaive articles.
bUNDxGdHjiB napsal/a 10:55:29 28.08.2011
I had no idea how to approach this bferoe-now I'm locked and loaded.
Anonym napsal/a 22:34:35 21.06.2011