Velikost: 99 kB
Plugin: Flash
Autor: Ugo Player
Přidáno: 02.03.2011
Zobrazeno: 2645x
Postřehové hry
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Když zrovna nehrajete se soupeřem ping pong, určitě si sami pinkáte jen tak s míčkem a pálkou v ruce. A to je přesně to, o co tady jde. Musiíte se jen soustředit a udržet míček ve vzduchu co nejdéle.
Zahrát hru
Přidat komentář ke hře
lghRCnyNAJCLqM napsal/a 01:13:25 07.01.2013
From house property: - If the house is sold and cptaial gain arises, then such cptaial gain will be first computed in the hands of the transferee and then the same will be clubbed with the income of the transferor. Suppose the house is sold for a cptaial gain of 5 lakhs. Since income of wife is now taxable, would she need to pay tax? And after that same amount is added to husband's income as well? How is taxation handled in this case? Was this answer helpful?
simi napsal/a 18:51:14 05.03.2012
mate pravdu
evička napsal/a 20:07:21 21.07.2011
tahle hra je na hovno
UlXVnqePJqnOAKcAB napsal/a 23:26:53 25.04.2011
That's really thinking out of the box. Tahnks!
zvfxAVHVIDFXTcYAiw napsal/a 21:33:25 25.04.2011
TYVM you've slvoed all my problems
Niki napsal/a 20:36:13 05.03.2011
Ahoj Maxi ja te miluju ahoj
tva Nikol z 9.A