Velikost: 3999 kB
Plugin: Flash
Autor: Umutdervis
Přidáno: 23.09.2011
Zobrazeno: 3039x
Závodní hry
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Kvalitní závody v našlapaném kabrioletu se spostou protivníků. Trať je skutečně dlouhá takže se připravte, že dáte autu pořádně zabrat.
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Přidat komentář ke hře
uMoxHrDGscNu napsal/a 20:17:07 01.08.2012
Why would Teledoc change under "Obamacare"? I beonlg to Kaiser Permanente which has had something similar to Teledoc for quite some time, which is a great way to handle things. And that's not going to change because of the new healthcare rule. So-called Obamacare is still very much a private industry care system. More government involvement, sure, but still privately managed as to the medical care itself.
hgfyt napsal/a 12:17:49 08.05.2012
dobra hra
anita napsal/a 21:29:04 17.10.2011
Anonym napsal/a 10:47:15 03.10.2011