Velikost: 3630 kB
Plugin: Flash
Autor: Psycho Gol... Přidáno: 22.07.2012
Zobrazeno: 1978x
Postřehové hry
Krátký popis hry
V kůži netopýra musíte ulovit co největší počet hmyzu, abyste se udrželi na živu. Kromně hymzu musíte zkusit i jiný druh obživy.
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liq7hAor napsal/a 13:44:04 23.07.2016
Great inomafrtion in this interview! really great to hear some insightful information on virus control which seem to be a growing concern in todays internet climate. A great antivirus program really i every important as expressed, i also think most search engines try to eliminate as much threats as they can but i suppose its a hard struggle.