Velikost: 4348 kB
Plugin: Flash
Autor: Armorgames...
Přidáno: 22.05.2008
Zobrazeno: 2384x
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Uhodí blesk a vy začnete hořet. Kolem vás jsou nevinní lidé, které musíte zapálit.
šipky;mezerník - vzplanutí
Zahrát hru
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FGHrghJwbfNSX napsal/a 08:56:08 06.01.2013
i have trie on line dating and so some of my frdenis.. i have met nice men but had no chemistry so it did not work out but one of my frdenis is actually dating a man she met and things are working out i have heard that men on line have encountered more women weirdos than i have encountered men.. if you are intuitive you will be able to pick up.. also if yhou are considering someone and not sure ask your frdenis to check out their profile and check out their email so that they can be a good judge.. meet at a restaurant.. many people do online dating because of as you there is lack of time i barely go out too.. but up until now i still keep in touch with 2 men i have met and have become frdenis .with no it is safe..dont get scared go for it! but always follow your heart and your intuition..
QhzMGGRipcmiF napsal/a 07:51:25 26.04.2011
Great thinking! That relaly breaks the mold!