Velikost: 4148 kB
Plugin: Flash
Autor: FOG
Přidáno: 10.04.2012
Zobrazeno: 2933x
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Trénink mladého Leeho začal a probíhal velmi tvrdě. Díky němu se z něho stala, ale legenda, kterou zná každý.
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JTcjxkXnBmLMOPnjIX napsal/a 06:35:04 03.08.2012
.Over the years I have been chatting I have seen plepoe totally 2 different plepoe in real life than they are on the internet I have seen plepoe keep their lives totally seperate from the 2 like they are different planets. How can plepoe do this 2 seperate deals when in fact its the SAME LIFE!
Anonym napsal/a 08:34:21 12.07.2012