Velikost: 607 kB
Plugin: Flash
Autor: dailyfreeg...
Přidáno: 24.05.2011
Zobrazeno: 2380x
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Vysurfujte si první místo v poháru surfařů. Vlny jsou letos pěkně divoké a soupeři opravdu tuzí. Nenechte uplavat svůj sen.
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cCsSrfzPvvfOJYRq napsal/a 23:46:36 31.07.2012
There is no such thing as a good online daniatg. They are all bad. The owners of those online dating sites are people who could not cut it. They failed in everything they did. Online dating is no different than prostitution. E-Harmony etc are garbage, junk, manure.If you can't meet someone the way people have met since the beginning of time, you deserve to be a loner. Your best bet is to seek psychiatric help.
ujkb zýoíhjr z napsal/a 20:31:49 26.05.2011
rm ,hulohi