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Plugin: Flash
Autor: AfroDita
Přidáno: 20.06.2012
Zobrazeno: 2470x
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Stickman má nové kolo a musí ho vyzkoušet. Takže hurá na terény. A kdyby to nebylo ono, můžete si kolo postupně vylepšovat nebo koupit úplně nové. Čím lepší kolo, tím lépe vám půjdou různé triky a získáte víc bodů.
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NfksDqSr napsal/a 01:39:48 08.06.2017
Badtux.It's not only the insurance companies, it's the compliance of the Congress.Look at the credit card legislation, who benefits?Surely it's a creation of the credit card consortiums and America swallows it as democracy in action.It's corporate America in action and all the major candidates are whores or pimps for special inIeserts.tncluded is the religeous right as a special interest group.//If the money is there as you contend then it's being spent prodigeously by Brother Bush.God bless him.//The sad truth of America is that it's easier to buy a Congressman than it is to buy affordable health insurance.jim
Anonym napsal/a 19:21:26 10.06.2016
vali napsal/a 09:00:40 10.08.2012
jeto pitoma hra protoze nejde zapnout!