Velikost: 1606 kB
Plugin: Flash
Autor: Little Chef Přidáno: 29.11.2012
Zobrazeno: 2093x
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Zkuste si závodit na parcích po stole. Vyberte si svého závodníka se svým párkem a poté už jen tradá na dráhu.
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iSzzmpjo3T napsal/a 02:30:25 07.06.2017
Hi Ernesto, thank you for the thoughtful comment. I completely agree with what you wrote; that’s one of the reasons we have an appeinticeshrp program on the farm, to teach young people what we’re GOOD at doing: farming. Running the food truck required an entirely different set of skills that would require many years to achieve, and handing it off to someone else with our farm’s name on the side is just too fragile a strategy for my nerves at this point in time! I hope that makes sense :^)
Anonym napsal/a 20:20:13 25.02.2013
jkjk napsal/a 20:20:00 25.02.2013
pavel napsal/a 12:55:09 05.12.2012
Pavel napsal/a 12:53:58 05.12.2012
hnusná hra
xan159357000 napsal/a 22:09:26 30.11.2012