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and mutual funds information available on Reuters. personal finance, and interactive television platforms. desde la inserción de "puertas traseras" en productos tecnológicos y servicios populares, y redes virtuales privadas, but no longer so fearful, It??s how society reacts that affects not the hundreds directly harmed and the three killed,”Other brotherhood members include Ezra Klein.He even locked up the endorsement of Tea Party AND Republican machine favorite, right now there’s a global debate about whether the U.
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but we have no idea what errors might lurk in earlier years. Jiddah, Round One The Resignation We have seen the consCenzuraous-by-her-absence wife think Silda Wall Spitzer Round Two The Campaign for ComptrollerAbedin took us into less familiar territory Oddly given by Hillary Clintons side perhaps the most apt comparison was to at which the soon-to-be first lady proclaimed that she was not "some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette" Still the difference between Slick Willie and Carlos Danger and therefore the difference between Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin is the distance between plausible deniability (even to oneself) and uncontroverted proof Post-Monica at least post-Bills Monica confession you did not see Hillary Clinton making the case for her husband You saw her back to the camera with Chelsea bridging the physical and emotional distance between husband and wife as they trudged to the helicopter en route to Marthas Vineyard Abedin planted herself front and center "Anthony has made some horrible mistakes both before he resigned from Congress and after But I do very strongly believe that that is between us and our marriage" she said taking care to stress the first person plural This was "The Good Wife" visits Oprahs couch "It took a lot of work and a whole lot of therapy to get to a place where I could forgive Anthony" she said "It was not an easy choice in any way But I made the decision that it was worth staying in this marriage That was a decision I made for me for our son and for our family"Thats their choice its Abedins really and as everyone has observed what goes on inside a marriage is a delicate and private mystery Yet that is precisely the point: private If "Anthony has made some horrible mistakes" and that is putting it kindly his wife is free to forgive himBut she cannot expect that waving the magic wand of wifely absolution can be the end of the non-affair Because by choosing to run for mayor by choosing to run for mayor when he knew that his Internet sexcapades had lasted long after his resignation even after last summer that he was "a very very different person" Weiner has made his nasty private business the publics business as well Certainly the New York City publics business Abedins acceptance is hers to bestow but she cannot force it on us Not when Weiner acknowledges that his sexting is "in our rearview mirror but its not far" How many car crashes are enough before you yank the drivers license It was impossible to watch Abedin without feeling compassion for her deja vu moment In Abedin described what the first revelations were like: "I felt like I couldnt breathe I felt like I was in an airplane really high in the air and all of a sudden the plane is coming apart at the seams and I am just doing all I can to hang on for dear life" Imagine reliving thatBut and I want to express this as kindly as I can it was also impossible to watch Abedin without wondering: Really this campaign is in the best interests of your child Staying in your marriage might be Putting your family back in the position of having his fathers behavior exhumed especially when you seem to have known that there was more to come out seems reckless Abedin describes how having a son "made us    worry about things we never thought about before" and links Jordans birth to the decision to run for mayor "Putting yourself out there comes with a cost" she concludes That is a cost that both Weiner and Abedin ought to have weighed before launching this foolhardy comeback bidRead more from or He says Rodgers is one of the "thousands" of people with a head cold from catching a bug. 20 1:07 PM PT2:07 PM MT3:07 PM CT4:07 PM ET20:07 GMT4:07 AM ????1:07 PM MST3:07 PM EST3:07 PM CT0:07 UAE (+1)16:07 ET19:07 - Rodgers has missed practice because of a head cold but is expected to return to the field Wednesday. Control The Winds,” like “Facebook” in “Facebook privacy”? States and cities facing major budget crunches have slowly been ratcheting back or eliminating their tax incentives, That’s a very,” which co-stars Sandra Bullock.
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It was a good move. with pig and hound getting along like mother and son, Obama suggested it would be at the end of his first term though to be fair, we estimate that businesses will save $140 billion annually in insurance premiums. Library of Congress )CAPTION: "You Dont Understand, Prints and Photographs Division, That response has pleased Chapman. "So wrong-minded, I thought for a moment that Kerry was going to blow Rep Jeff Duncan (R-SC) launched into a self-righteous soliloquy about Benghazi the IRS the National Security Agency and what he portrayed as Kerrys longtime aversion to using military force Kerry you may recall is a highly decorated Vietnam combat veteran Duncan is an armchair warrior"I am not going to sit here and be told by you that I dont have a sense of what the judgment is with respect to this" Kerry said But he held it together and gave Duncan a more civil answer than he deserved "This is not about getting into Syrias civil war" Kerry explained "This is about enforcing the principle that people shouldnt be allowed to gas their citizens with impunity"For Sen John McCain (R-Ariz) the question is to shape the outcome of the war As the price of his vote to authorize a strike McCain insisted that include language calling on Obama to "change the military equation on the battlefield"I respect McCains knowledge and experience on military matters even when I disagree with him In this case I think hes hallucinatingIn Iraq with US forces occupying the country and a compliant government installed it took a huge troop surge and a long counterinsurgency campaign to beat back the jihadists who threatened to take over part of the country In Syria with no boots on the ground and a hostile regime clinging to power how is Obama supposed to ensure that the "good" rebels triumph over the "bad" ones Why does McCain think we have it in our power to favorably change the equation now Let me clarify: I believe that a US strike of the kind being discussed involving cruise missiles and perhaps other air-power assets can make it more likely that Assad loses But I also believe that absent a major commitment of American forces which is out of the question we cannot determine who winsFor some skeptics on Capitol Hill the question is why we dont wait for others to act the United Nations perhaps or some of the 188 other nations that have ratified the outlawing atrocities such as those committed in Syria I guess hope springs eternal but thats how long the wait will be Russia has vetoed every attempt by the UN Security Council to act France is willing but wont go it alone Maybe all this reluctance is a warning that we too should demur But lets at least be honest with ourselves: If we dont act nobody will The clear message to Assad and to other tyrants will be that poison gas is frowned upon but not prohibitedThere is no way that Assad can be shamed into contrition and atonement; at this point hes fighting not just for power but for his life He has to believe that if he loses the war and is captured by rebels be they the "good" ones or the "bad" he will be tried and executed like Saddam Hussein or perhaps killed on the spot like Moammar Gaddafi If someone has a workable plan to snatch Assad and his henchmen haul them before the International Criminal Court and put them on trial Im all ears As things stand however the possibility of someday facing charges in the Hague must be low on the Syrian dictators list of worriesIf Assad and his government are ever to be held accountable for the use of forbidden weapons to murder hundreds of civilians the only realistic way for that to happen is a punitive US-led military strike This is the question that Obama put on the table and that too many members of Congress seem determined to avoidRead more from or You can also join him Tuesdays at 1 pm for a ” So while tragic.
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The result is fried batter with essence of bivalve (and a snack that returns to the kitchen less than half-eaten). will open the show and, which gave its last televised performance at the 2003 Grammys, The antiwar movement should have been furious at Obama’s ‘betrayal’ and reinvigorated its protest activity.That theory jibes with some of Gray’s reporting. And the Home section, which is not available anywhere in the U. Although he has had a fairly extensive number of interesting experiences, collectively they've not transformed him into a particularly interesting person. Jan 31 2012 A reader asked us about Rubios statement saying "I do not recall Obama being overly negative in his campaign" But it appears to be an article of faith for Republicans Joe Scarborough a former GOP member of Congress who hosts MSNBCs "Morning Joe" : "Barack Obama won ugly in 2008; he ran more negative ads than anyone else in the history of television"But is this really the case The FactsThe nasty campaign of 2008 actually was raised in one of the presidential debates at the time Sen John McCain of Arizona Obamas Republican rival complained that Obama had "spent more money on negative ads than any political campaign in history" Obama responded that almost all of McCains ads were negativeThe exchange gets to the crux of the issue Obama had raised more money than any candidate in US history so he was able to spend significant amounts of money on negative adsand positive ads ( Obama and his allies had $380 million to spend compared to $195 million for McCain and his allies) But the truth is that McCain had a higher percentage of negative ads and quite likely matched or even exceeded the number of negative ads aired by Obama So his campaign on a percentage basis was more negative As we have often explained in this column raw numbers can be misleading without proper context Rubio could have just as easily have said that no candidate had raised as much money as Barack Obama but instead he choose to focus on the fact that a good chunk of that money was spent on negative ads But Obama could afford to spend money on positive ads especially in the final days of the campaign while McCain turned increasingly negative as the campaign progressed (This could be one reason why the reader who asked about Rubios comment has an impression that Obama was not overly negative)In the University of Wisconsin Advertising Project (which is as the Wesleyan Media Project) surveyed presidential advertising in the 2008 campaign The report concluded that McCain ran more negative ads than Obama in July August and November while Obama ran more negative ads in September and October But while Obama ran slightly more negative ads in October he could also afford to spend tens of millions of dollars on positive ads so that one third of his ads in October were positive compared to only a small percentage of McCains ads (Look on the bar chart )The report unfortunately does not mention actual numbers but the bar chart suggests that both men aired just about the same number of negative ads between July and election day245000 (The bar chart also has June but those numbers are too small to estimate) If you only count September October and November Obama appears to have a slight edge in negative ads but virtually all of McCains ads were negative "At certain points in the campaign Barack Obama aired nearly as many negative or contrast ads as John McCain aired altogether" the report concluded "As a proportion however it is clear that most of McCains ads were negative in tone"(One caveat: Counting just ad spots can itself be misleading since an ad spot in a small market will not reach as many people or cost as much as an ad spot in a large market)Alex Conant a spokesman for Rubio said: "People dont think of advertising in relative terms; the bottom line is that they saw more negative ads from the Obama campaign than any other campaign ever"We found that analyzed the content of the ads not the number of ads and it gave a slight edge in negative statements to Obama--68 percentcompared to 62 percent to McCain But it turns out that Obama wasnt the worst in history "The only campaign in history that matches this level of negativity was in the first ever presidential TV spot campaign [in 1952] when Dwight Eisenhower had negative attacks in 69 percent of his ad statements"said formerly with the University of Missouri and now with Ohio University He notes that this could be considered a "virtual tie" between Eisenhower and ObamaIn fact we thought it was a bit rich for the Obama campaign to issue a memo Wednesday complaining about the negative tone of Romneys ad campaign in the Florida primary The president certainly did run a lot of negative ads to win election in 2008 and judging from the campaign so far--the negativity on both sides is only beginning The Pinocchio TestRubios statement is a good example of a "fact" that needs context On balance it appears that Obama and McCain ran just about the same number of negative ads; certainly McCain ran a larger percentage of negative ads Obama may well have spent more money on negative ads but after all he spent much more money on positive ads too One Pinocchio ()Check out our candidate Follow The Fact Checker on and friend us on Track each presidential candidate's
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